
i tried to list everything i added/changed/improved chronologicly:
i used the "Improve my Game - Gamejam" to wrap up this tiny project. 

  • added 8 directional player movement, before it was only 4 directions.
  • created clouds, and let them wrap around the screen. added a slight animation with sprite offset y and skew to wobble
  • reworked the sun and the sun movement. still not really good though^^
  • added in different background, mid and foreground
  • gave the terrain a different colorgrade better fitting with the new backgrounds
  • each gamestart or restart all backgrounds and the terrain gets randomly mirrored, so have a little bit more replayability
  • each gamestart or restart all enemy positions are randomly set in a specific game area to get a little bit more replayability
  • added swordfish as another enemy
  • changed swordfish and big shark damage from 1 to 2 hearts
  • changed the title from underneath us - deep dive, to "Deep Dive" -> less clutter on the screen.
  • added in texture buttons for the UI
  • changed nearly all fonts to be white, now white big dark outline to make in more readable
  • changed the position and outline of the game over and game won text
  • the score shows now how much gold is in the game and how much you have picked up 0 / 30 for example.
  • change the score color to yellow as soon as you have picked up one gold coin
  • score changes the color to green as soon as you have picked up all 30 gold coins
  • reworked the o²/Air tank. it is no longer transparent and has a completly new sprite
  • changed the positioning of the hearts and the airtank - underneath each other and now in the center
  • changed the hearts from having a white outline to a bigger black outline
  • fixed a few bugs
  • known bug: still a problem with the boat and the player animation near the water surface
  • Further improvement: maybe add some sort of glow to the goldcoins to make them more visible behind the seaweed etc.

    Added screenshots and created a theme/design that fits the game


indexV1.3.zip 26 MB
Jun 01, 2024

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